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The Authorised and Randomly Reenforced Analyses of Inorganic Pollutants and Sulfide Content of Fossil Fuel for the Stack Waste Gas Amoung the Stationary Pollution Sources in Northern Taiwan.

This project is particularly for those major stationary pollution sources supervised by EPA ROC. It is not only to inspect or ban the waste gas emission for those heavily polluting stacks usually under the local environmental bureaus, but also to intensify the execution of random inspection and sampling of inorganic pollutant and sulfur contain of fuels for the stationary pollution sources of in north Taiwan. From 150 screened major pollution sources according to EPA’s inspection record, testing and analyses has been preformed and a database has been established. Therefore, it is easy to understand whether the emission of the stationary pollution sources has violated the emission regulation or whether the efficient of their pollution treatment system could meet the requirements during the maximum load. After all, we will utilize the database to manage and control those significant and supervised stationary pollution sources. This useful information manage system would help the polluters to understand their characteristic of their emission and help them to improve their pollution solution as well. This is an important project which aims at simple goals, yearly reduction of pollution and improving our air quality.
The Tested Pollution Sources Information and Testing Results